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Minerals, Metals and the Thyroid

Writer's picture: Sarah KottmannSarah Kottmann

Updated: May 23, 2022

Thyroid organ is also known as the Butterfly due to its shape.

Over the last few years, I have been working closely with the oligoscan and thyroid health ( a device that brings up your heavy metals and mineral defiances).

Practically with patients who have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's - some of whom have been diagnosed and some who have an underlying hypothyroid condition that has not yet been picked up as it is at the beginning stages of the condition, yet all symptom point to thyroid.

It is estimated that Millions of people have an underactive thyroid and don't know it.

Hashimoto's is an autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid causing hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a low acting thyroid or under-functioning thyroid

Our thyroid runs our metabolism and is associated with the endocrine system. It is involved in the production of many hormones and is extremely important for homeostasis. When this is not functioning correctly a few things can occur that bring the body out of balance.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism


Gaining weight and not being able to lose it no matter what you do

Sleep Disturbance

Dry skin



Menstrual cycle changes


Hair loss

cold intolerance

Muscle cramps.

When I test with the oligoscan which is similar to a hair mineral analysis but more specific to what is happening to the body right now rather than 3 months ago.

I normally find:

A decline in iodine, selenium. (thyroid condition are commonly associated with this)

A blockage of zinc absorption

Low chromium

Copper toxicity past on from generations or recent

Heavy metal Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, Antimony or Cadmium in excess or very high.

Each person is slightly different but iodine is always low and one heavy metal is always high if not more then one. So each person is seen as an individual and the treatment is tailor to the results of the test.

From my own observation, It is highly plausible to say that heavy metals have an effect on thyroid health as does high copper levels to some degree. Research has shown that Wilsons disease (copper toxicity) has a correlation with an underactive thyroid.

This was something I discovered myself from my own work with heavy metals however after further research into heavy metals and thyroid health I discovered a large body of research that ready prove that to be correct.

The research also references listed below mentions :

Mercury decreases uptake of iodine

Lead causes depression of thyroid function

Aluminium trigger the immune system that can then attach the thyroid

How do heavy metal come about

Mostly from our environment, many centuries ago it would have been unusual to find heavy metals in everyday people as it was more common in the factory workers, however, these days with the pollution in the air, pollution in the soils and everything else we consume and put into our bodies it is very common.

Lead: Found in our pipes (drink filtered water)

Aluminium: Everywhere, the food we eat from the soil it is grown, the thing we cover our food with, pots and pan, cans, medication etc

Cadmium: Smoking, air pollution from car fumes.

Mercury: Teeth filling from before it was deemed bad, medication, past on from mother to child through birth.

Heavy metals are removed by the body in a number of different ways but essential minerals are needed for adequate removal and prevention of uptake of the heavy metals.

The bile is also involved in the removal, as is the gut. The gut must be functioning correctly for the right removal of toxins.

When the body is already toxic it will require an overhaul which is what is spoken about in consultation and after the oligoscan is conducted to see what is happening in your body.

It recommends we retest after 2-3 month to see how the body is responding and to check that none of the heavy metal was hidden in the fat cell and hasn't shown up on the test yet.

To book a consultation or to find out more information call Sarah 0412190114 or book online

References to research

For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies. The information displayed in this post is to be used as information only, always seek professional advice before starting any medication.

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