I see this so often in the clinic at the moment in both the young and matured women.
What is Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is where the thyroid has become underactive and does not produce the right amount of thyroxine hormone. Which is used in our bodies heart function, metabolism, blood pressure, body temperature and weight?
There are Two types, the primary which is where the thyroid itself is diseased and Secondary is caused by a problem with the pituitary gland. The Primary is normally caused by an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's disease.
Blood test results will often show up with an imbalanced TSH, T3 and T4, however, symptoms can be present well before test result show any issues and normally start to show at the borderline stage on the test results.
T3 and T4 are the hormones created by the thyroid and they require adequate iodine each day to be produced. Around 150mcg is needed each day, things like seaweed and seafood have a high level of Iodine.
These can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the person.
fatigue and low energy levels
slow heart rate
unexplained weight gain that doesn't shift even with food diet and exercise.
intolerance to cold temperatures
fatigued and aching muscles
dry, coarse skin
puffy face
hair loss
problems with concentration
goitre (enlarged thyroid gland).
Causes of hypothyroidism
The causes of hypothyroidism include:
Iodine deficiency disorder - lack of sufficient iodine in the diet can prevent the thyroid gland from making hormones. The thyroid enlarges as it attempts to comply with the pituitary gland’s ceaseless chemical messages to produce more hormones. An enlarged thyroid is known as a goitre. Babies and children can be stunted and severely brain damaged by iodine deficiency because thyroid hormones are needed for normal growth and development.
Hashimoto’s disease - an autoimmune disorder. White blood cells and antibodies of the immune system attack and destroy the cells of the thyroid gland.
Treatment for hyperthyroidism - treatments for hyperthyroidism (including drugs, surgery and radioactive iodine) frequently lead to hypothyroidism.
Particular drugs - including lithium and heart drug amiodarone can interfere with the normal processing of iodine and the production of thyroid hormone.
Pituitary gland dysfunction - the pituitary gland doesn’t make enough thyroid stimulating hormone to prompt the thyroid to produce T3 and T4.
Hypothalamic dysfunction - the functioning of the pituitary is influenced by another brain structure called the hypothalamus, through the thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Problems with the hypothalamus can affect the pituitary and, in turn, the thyroid gland.
Virus-triggered: An autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto's is often genetic can be triggered by a virus
Pregnancy and childbirth: For a short period of time the body may go into hypothyroidism during or after birth, this may be due to a lack of iodine or hormonal changes to the body.
There are a few other reasons such as birth defect, surgery and X-ray treatment no longer performed.
Homeopathy and Hypothyroidism
Its importance is to increase food with zinc, selenium and iodine and if there is a deficiency to replace this deficiency using supplements of high quality.
Avoid gluten
Support gut healing if required
Avoid sugar, high processed food, Millet
Have coffee and alcohol in moderation as they irritate the thyroid gland
Soy product should also be used in moderation.
Homeopathy is fantastic when used constitutional - this means that each person is seen as in individual and the remedy is matched to their individual symptoms and state of health mentally, physically and emotionally. By doing so you trigger the body to heal itself, in this case, heal the thyroid and hormone production.
In Hashimoto's disease, a more specific targeted approach may occur alongside a constitutional remedy.
For more information or to book an appointment Call sarah on 0412190114
Reference to studies
Homeopathy is a traditional medicine. It may be used in conduction with other medicines. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies. The information displayed in this post is to be used as information only, always seek professional advice before starting any medication.