There is so much going on in the background and so many ways you can stand up for your beliefs and help out the natural therapies industry here in Australia. Lets catch up to the rest of the world or even become the leader of natural health care and start working along side other forms of medicine instead of all working against each other. But to do that we need to show the government how important natural therapies are as part of health care, and how much we want to have a choice in what we do to our own bodies.
So a bit of background first as to why this movement to Your choice Your health started and everything surrounding this.
In 2015 the Australian research body (NHMRC) conducted research on multiple natural therapies including homeopathy.
For unknown reason and still under lock and key the original report was never made public and want be shared even under the freedom of information act, which made us very suspicious.
Instead they change the rules of what is deemed a worthy study, throw out almost 300 studies on homeopathy, look at one study only and came out with "homeopathy has no reliable evidence".
Since this report came out the TGA used it to try and remove homeopathy from the TGA, which would mean no regulatory body to over see proper manufacturing of homeopathy.
Collages in Australia can no longer offer homeopathy as a career and they tried to move multiple product from the shelves of pharmacies. who knows what's next?
So we took action as a community not only in homeopathy but other natural therapies who too were in the same report done by the NHMRC.
We know there are 100's of really good positive studies on homeopathy.
The report was biased and misleading, it has shown that the NHMRC are corrupted and no longer reliable for the truth.
Hence why the report is under review by the commonwealth ombudsman for scientific misconduct among other things.
Along with this the documentary Just one Drop tells the public what homeopathy actually is? how it is used around the world and touches on the biased and misconduct of the report done by the NHMRC. Screening are being held around Australia
The campaign your health your choice is to push for a senate enquiry about the report and to show the government what the people want. That we want the choice to choose how we treat our bodies and minds.
Issac Golden and the Australia health party have started a petition for the house of Reps to allow an agency to be formed that researches only natural therapies in an unbiased way. These will
be at practitioner clinic till OCT 2017, I have one at Zen chi natural therapies so pop in and sign.
Came watch the Movie JUST ONE DROP showing at cinemas around Australia I will be hosting one at North Lakes 27th of september so come support homeopathy and come tells your friend and family. I will be conducting a Q&A with another homeopath in the area. Tickets need to be brought before event https://fan-force.com/screenings/justonedrop-event-north-lakes/
Sign the online campaign Your health Your choice https://www.yourhealthyourchoice.com.au
Come into the clinic and sign the petition for the House of Reps to form an agency to study natural therapies. I will have on at Zen Chi natural therapies North lakes till OCT when its due back.